NEW: Androida & Dr. Warlock
Hello, Pulp Citizens – we are very happy announce that we have new releases in the webstore as we are ready to resume a regular schedule!
First up is Androida (New) – a new version of the classic Supreme Hero. Androida was one of the first models sculpted for the Pulp City range, and we are very pleased to be able to update her. Not only does Androida get a new model, but she gets a rules overhaul to go with it! In the Pulp City story, Androida has suffered grievous harm recently, and her rebuilt form has greater capability than ever before. In fact, she showcases a new rule that reflects her standing as a highly regarded member of Heavy Metal. You can find out more about Androida’s upgraded rules through her Spotlight in the next few days, and following that expect an update to her background story too.
You can find Androida here in the web-store (click for link).
Dr. Warlock joins Androida as the second of our new releases this month. Dr. Warlock is one of the Supreme Genesis characters which were created thanks to our first Kickstarter. The product of Drew Wood’s imagination, Dr. Warlock has an impressive back-story, and has been reborn in many forms over the years. That has been reflected in the design and backstory of this latest version who hits the streets of Pulp City wearing the Dr. Warlock mantle carried by many Heroes who have gone before him. You can learn more about Dr. Warlock when we publish his Spotlight later this week.
If you want to add Dr. Warlock to your Team, you can find him here in the web-store (click for link).