The Big Grimmowski (Hero/Villain)

Code-name: The Big Grimmowski

Full Name: Grimmowski

Faction: Grimm

In the shadowy depths beneath Pulp City, where forgotten sewers intertwine with ancient tunnels, the Grimm thrive. Among them is a figure of peculiar renown, a Grimm truly unlike any other. Known as The Big Grimmowski, this creature is both a paradox and a legend: equal parts lazy slacker and inventor savant.

The story begins in the Grimm Undercity, a subterranean warren where the Grimm gathers in its misfit masses. Grimmowski, as it was then known, was not remarkable. Grimmowski was sluggish and uninterested in the ceaseless chaos that other Grimm pursued. While others scurried to the surface world to cause mayhem, Grimmowski spent its time lounging in dark corners, gathering discarded debris. Bottlecaps, bent pipes, broken springs – to others, it was junk. To Grimmowski, it was inspiration.

Grimmowksi’s first triumph came when a Grimm raid unearthed a pile of industrial trash discarded by the surface dwellers. While Grimm gleefully smashed and scattered the refuse, Grimmowski focused on a dented sewer cover and stray electrical components. Days later, Grimmowski unveiled its creation: a ‘Power Board’, fashioned from the heavy sewer cover and powered by a makeshift propulsion system. With this ingenious device, Grimmowski could surf the sewer-ways and tunnels of Pulp City with unparalleled speed and a modicum of grace, leaving other Grimm in awe.

Despite Grimmowski’s ingenuity, that Grimm’s true gift lay in its uncanny ability to navigate Pulp City’s undercity. It had a preternatural sense of direction, as though the tunnels whispered their secrets to Grimmowski. When the Grimm needed a shortcut to a foe’s underground lair, Grimmowski knew the way. When Dead Eye’s Vigilantes pursued Grimm raiding parties Grimmowski could lose them in minutes. Over time, the other Grimm realized that the lazy genius wasn’t just a tinkerer; Grimmowski was a pathfinder, a guide who could turn the city’s hidden labyrinth into a Grimm advantage. This elevated regard was marked with it being renamed The Big Grimmowski.

The Big Grimmowski’s talents didn’t go unnoticed by John Grimmsham. The master of all Grimm began tasking Grimmowski with crafting weapons and leading raids through the undercity, though convincing it to act often required patience. Grimmowski’s natural laziness was infamous, and the inventor-pathfinder was known to nap mid-project, leaving half-finished contraptions scattered about its workshop. Yet when finally stirred into action, Grimmowski’s results were undeniable, and so Grimmsham tolerated this wayward Grimm’s ways.

One of The Big Grimmowski’s most celebrated exploits occurred during the ‘Great Tunnel Skirmish’, when a GARDEN task force pursued a group of Grimm into Pulp City’s depths. The Big Grimmowski, reluctantly moved to act, led their escape. To aid its fellow Grimm, the resourceful Grimmowski quickly transformed a sewer maintenance cart and an assortment of scrap metal into a fully operational ‘Scrap Tank’, complete with rotating blades and a sludge cannon. The contraption not only held off the pursuing Supremes and their foot soldiers, but it also enabled the Grimm to escape with their spoils intact. The Big Grimmowski was rewarded with a fraying and stained rug which he decided would really tie its workshop together.

Though Grimmowski grumbles in Grimmspeak about being disturbed and prefers the comfort of its subterranean workshop, when the call to action comes, The Big Grimmowski proves time and again to be more than just another Grimm.


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