January 2017 Releases

Prof HammerThe January release wave is now all up in the web-store. Each of the new Supremes is launching at a special price which will carry on until the February wave is released.

Web-store link

This month we are releasing:

Red Republik

Professor Hammer 8.00€ launch price

S.P.U.T.N.I.K. 8.00€ launch price

Siberian 8.00€ launch price

Snieschinka 8.00€ launch price

Red Robot 6.50€ launch price

SixFeetUnderNEWAlso this month two new Powerhouse models

Antaean (Supreme Genesis Powerhouse character) 12.00€ launch price

Six Feet Under (new sculpt) 16.00€ launch price


In addition, Red Robots will also launch as a Trooper Pack. The Trooper Pack will be available after the launch offer ends.

Red Robot Trooper Pack 12.00€

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