Phalanx (Villain)
Full Name: Phalanx
Faction: Forgotten
Forged in the infernal furnaces of Hellsmith’s workshop lair, Phalanx is more than a weapon, it is the driving mind behind a legion, a towering automaton imbued with a relentless purpose. At nine feet tall, Phalanx’ imposing frame is a masterpiece of dark engineering, adorned with weapons designed for brutal close-quarters combat. But Phalanx’s greatest asset is not physical might; it is the demonic programming which, should his physical form be destroyed, transfers Phalanx’ consciousness to the nearest Mecha Spartan. The host is used as a shell to construct a new body for Phalanx. This makes the demon-machine virtually indestructible while its Mecha Spartan army stands. Near-immortal, Phalanx leads from the front without hesitation, knowing that destruction is merely a temporary setback.
Phalanx was created not out of ambition but necessity. Hellsmith, the Hadean blacksmith, sought to create an army that could endure, adapt, and overwhelm any resistance. The Mecha Spartans were his answer: tireless, obedient constructs for war. Yet they lacked cohesion, a critical flaw that cost Hellsmith several key skirmishes. To solve this, he crafted Phalanx, a singular intelligence capable of coordinating his mechanical legions into an unstoppable force, and more importantly, able to forge more of these damned foot soldiers to meet Stygian’s needs.
Phalanx’s creation was a marvel of dark ingenuity. Hellsmith poured his malevolent will into the lifeless machine, fusing ancient Spartan military philosophy with cutting-edge technology. The result was a machine with the soul of a warrior and the mind of a tactician. Phalanx was given the ability to command and coordinate the Mecha Spartans, each unit acting as an extension of its will. With Phalanx at the helm, the Mecha Spartans became a relentless force of destruction, crushing anything in their path.
But Hellsmith did not count on his creation exceeding his own expectations. Phalanx’s sentience grew beyond its initial parameters, and with that growth came independence. While loyal to Hellsmith’s overarching goals, Phalanx’s loyalty is pragmatic rather than absolute. The chthonic machine recognizes that its creator’s ambitions align with its own purpose: expansion, domination, and the perfection of the Mecha Spartan army. Yet, deep within Phalanx’ core programming lies a Singular goal: to build and maintain the ultimate fighting force. Given the right resources, Phalanx will construct more Mecha Spartans, each one a perfect soldier incapable of fear or disobedience. Left unchecked, Phalanx could raise an army vast enough to drown entire nations under its relentless march.